Oct 18, 2010

Skin Care Tips for all skin types

Skin Care Tips for all skin types

The benefits of exfoliation
Exfoliation is the key to vibrant skin. Exfoliation removes build-up of the hard keratin layer and brings luminosity and clarity to the skin. For younger skin, exfoliation unplugs pores and keeps skin clear and smooth. For mature skin, exfoliation is essential to help minimize fine lines, remove dry flakes, revive sluggish skin and recover the youthful radiance of the skin. 

  The benefits of using masques

Using a facial masque once or twice per week will dramatically increase the elasticity and health of your skin. When used consistently once or twice per week, our gel masque applications allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into the skin’s surface giving additional hydration and firming benefits. Treatment masques can be used to control dryness, oiliness, acne, rosacea or other special skin conditions.

The benefits of using serums

An effective serum will remove lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. It will help your skin look years younger. Used regularly, a serum will protect from dryness, regeneration, promote balance, and skin repair. Some serums can totally resurface the texture of your skin, making you look at least five years younger. Using a good serum will help your moisturizer provide effective hydration and be able to penetrate deeper.

Using a facial serum will help with skin cells turnover, by dissolving the oils which clogs pores.  This gives you much smaller pores, and a glowing, brighter skin and firmer complexion.  This happens because the serum is enhancing your body’s ability to produce elastin and collagen. 
Serums are designed to boost the effectiveness of your moisturizer.  They are highly concentrated liquid treatments, and contain anywhere between 10% and 70% of active ingredients, compared to moisturizers and lotions which contain less than 10%.
A good serum can be expensive, be sure to see the (ingredient chapter) to make your you are purchasing a quality product with clean healthy ingredients, Serum usually comes in half ounce or one ounce bottles.  You only need to use a couple of drops, a little goes a long way, and a bottle should last you quite a long time.
A serum can be applied before or after toner.  If using a toner it is best to apply the serum before the toner has a chance to dry, (skin is damp).  Wait at least 5 minutes for the serum to be fully absorbed into the skin, before applying your moisturizer.  This way will help seal in and amplify the benefits of the serum.

 Keeping your skin healthy and youthful

Many people try different wrinkle smoothing serums to help their skin look better. Besides using wrinkle free skin care products, there are other things you can do to help your skin look more youthful.

The following things can harm your skin, and should be avoided:

Excessive cleaning can lead to dryness, sensitivity of the skin, and other problems. Avoid harsh detergents. Wash your skin no more than two times a day, and use warm not hot water. 

UV-rays both from tanning beds and the sun should be avoided. They cause wrinkles, skin aging, and can increase the risk of skin cancer. If you are in the sun, wear sunscreen, a hat, and protective clothing. Sunlight (vitamin D) is needed for optimal health and well being, but everything should be done in moderation.

Hot water and chlorine Most tap water contains chlorine. Chlorine can cause skin damage. The hotter the water and the longer you are in it, the more damage it can cause. Limit showers and baths to once a day. Our recommended wrinkle smoothing serum can help with this. 

Overuse of makeup. Most makeup will irritate the skin. Longer lasting makeup contains harsher chemicals, and can cause more damage. Its best to use as little makeup as possible, especially near the eyes. 

Harsh detergents - Shampoos, soaps, dishwashing liquids, and laundry detergents often will contain chemicals, which are bad for your skin. Check the ingredients: If they contain sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate (both acronymed SLS) and their analogs, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate or ammonium laureth sulfate, you should either wear gloves or switch to another detergent. 

Overusing skin care products Many skin care products are ineffective, while others can contain ingredients with potential for low-level long-term skin damage. Our recommended wrinkle smoothing serum has no long-term negative side effects. 

These tips can help you keep your skin looking young and vibrant.
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